March 16,2020.
We’ve been here in Sarasota since the end of December, enjoying the little condo that we purchased last winter. As I write this, I’m on my
patio with the mocking birds and butterflies, trying to distract myself from the evolving Coronavirus crisis. I suspect I will be posting here  often in the hopes of diverting  my attention for a few minutes from the news.

Instead of heading out to yoga this morning, I walked my beautiful community, Lake Tippecanoe, for an hour

My walking preference is always Siesta beach

however, we are practicing social distancing, so walking the tranquil oasis that is Lake Tippecanoe, is a wonderful alternative.

I love it here. Here in Lake Tippy. Here in Sarasota.

When we retired in 2013, I didn’t think we’d become snowbirds. I thought we’d spend the cold NY winters traveling. And we did. We spent our first three winters in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, then a winter at the Sea Pines Resort on Hilton Head Island, 2018 found us in the South Pacific.

Last winter we rented an adorable cottage on Siesta Key, Sarasota, with the intention of finding a second home. Over the past ten years we’ve spent several  vacations here in Sarasota visiting my sister Sue Anne and her husband Stevie Wonderful.

I fell in love with the beach the first time that I stepped on the quartz sand.

Our professional and  super patient realtor, Judy Del Viscio, introduced us to Lake Tippecanoe. Tippy is located on a beautiful natural lake; condos are situated on winding roads among large, very old trees. This one is off the corner of our patio.

When we arrived here, I had every intention of continuing to write in this blog-  weekly -updating our family and friends on our activities. Activities…oh so many activities. Sarasota offers a vast array of pursuits: repertory theater, opera, ballet, concerts, a vibrant art scene, amazing restaurants and the beach…the beach…the beach.

On January 10, we began taking classes at the Ringling College of Art and Design in downtown Sarasota. Here’s a photo of the lobby. A lovely buffet on offer at the dedication of the new Museum Campus.

We enrolled in two classes: The Amazing History of the Human Experience and Game Theory: What Really Drives Economies and Markets. The classes ran back to back on Wednesdays. Classrooms are state of the art.

Here’s Timmy in the courtyard between classes.

Most days after class we went to lunch. On warm sunny days we dined on the water, cooler/cloudy days found us downtown.

Although I love to cook, and I love  my new kitchen

we found ourselves dining out. A Lot.

I’m going to head in now and make Timmy some lunch.