January 7, 2024

We’ve been back home in Sarasota for ten days, and I’m just now getting around to culling our Christmas photos. Christmas is the one holiday that I love. Love. Like really love.
Over the past few years, we’ve pared down our decorations…but not the fun. We no longer hang outdoor lights, but we still have two trees. We’ve cut inside decor from 6 large boxes down to 3. We can set up and break down in about two hours…and at our ages…less is definitely better. The minimalism suits us. I do not miss the excess one bit.

In keeping with our tradition, Timmy fetched Claire and Isabel around 11:00 am and I took the time to set up the kitchen and take a few photos before the anticipated fun.

The small family room tree has evolved over the years…I think the first one was barely two feet tall. This is the first year that we chose the tree without input from a lovebug.

The ham is waiting to be studded, the cookie dough and potatoes are ready too. The sauce is warming and the pasta water…waiting to boil.


I love these window treatments…if you were here for the “Great Covid Renovation”… you may remember the white linen drapery mistake. (See dining room for reference).

These two♥️♥️

So here we are recreating the iconic Christmas pic.


We had a two minute discussion about whether or not Isabel could swap places with Claire…Claire finally relented after “the look” from Grandma. #sisterlove

Still waiting for Gracie and Charlotte to arrive, we decide to attack the vegetables.


As we continued to wait…we baked half the cookies. It’s my mom’s recipe … she called them butter balls and baking them makes me feel like she’s still with us.

Okay! Finally!…(Isabel’s words, not mine) Gracie, Char and Joey are here and we waste no time getting “their” cookies in the oven ♥️♥️♥️

Then I whisked them into off for the photo.

This right here…my heart.

No one happier than me in this moment.

I think I might have mentioned that Charlotte takes the best selfies…one and done♥️

Isabel’s turn to top the tree…we had to look back at last years pics to determine that Claire had the honors in 2022.


Opening the stockings…Gracie is the undisputed champ at the paddle ball toy…which is becoming such a challenge to hunt down. I finally found it in the dollar store.


Here’s Gracie’s famous pumpkin bread. Perfick as always.

No clue what was happening here…but, you know …Gracie.

Here we have my Sweetheart…staying on top of the dishes♥️♥️♥️

The boy cousins finally arrive and the girls immediately head for the Gingerbread houses.

LoveBugs were so keen on starting that Timmy had to bring a bowl of pasta to Parker, who apparently hadn’t eaten yet.


More icing goes in Isabel’s mouth then on her house. #sweettooth


Parker discovered that his house wasn’t sufficiently glued down and repairs were required.


Okay, now that we are done, let’s line up for Grandma.

Joey and Charlotte
T Parry

Let’s open some gifts


The thing that makes me happiest is the laughter.


Wouldn’t be a holiday without a dice game…although there was some discussion that we may be able to revert to the marathon Rogers family poker games of years gone by …now that Isabel is older…we shall see.


Popping the Christmas Crackers…we’ve been doing this for quite a while …James asked about the origins of this tradition. No clue…it’s just a fun thing to do.


Timmy set up the tripod and we spent a fair bit of time rounding the family up for the major photo op of the holiday.


#outtakes are the best

There were easily seven or eight pics…here is the only one where we all have open eyes.


So you know how a purchase seems like a good idea when you make it? Here’s my most recent example…this “cold shoulder” top…. I love the color and fabric, but oh my freaking goodness…beyond annoying. #dontgetold

Because we need choices #dessert

And just like that…Christmas was over. I took my own good advice … and having no expectations was the best gift. Ever. I enjoyed every minute and I’m especially grateful for the laughter. That’s what stays with me …the laughing. And the joy. The joy of seeing these amazing Lovebugs grow into such beautiful humans. Observing and interacting with them is always a joy, but to spend our Christmas holiday with them was beyond wonderful.

Gingerbread house in the Delta lounge.

We spent the evening of December 27 at the Aloft hotel at LaGuardia airport…because we had an 11:30 am flight and you know…the LIE …at rush hour…who needs the stress?

We caught the 9:00 am shuttle from the hotel and arrived to pretty chaotic Delta securiy lines…even the lines for Clear and TSA Precheck were long. However, because we had opted in for Delta’s “digital” checkin…we were able to skip the security lines and were in the lounge at 9:20 am. No lie. Having the digital checkin and no luggage saved us 45 minutes…I know this because the folks in front of us on the Clear line showed up at the lounge 45 minutes after we did. #smugnessisntnice

Delta Sky Lounge was quite full, but we found a quiet spot for coffee and chilled out til it was time to board. As we walked (and walked) through the terminal, we couldn’t believe how empty it was…where were all the people we’d seen at security?


I mean totally empty at 10:45 am. Crazy.

We waited on the runway for about half an hour before take off. The day was cold and dreary…pretty much like all the other days that we spent on Long Island. At least it wasn’t brutally cold like 2022.

Timmy barely set us up for the flight and then we were landing😊


Happy to be home…I wonder if the cats miss us. I think they miss going outside…not so sure about us…