It’s all wine and song until it’s not. Last evening as we sat waiting for the second show – around 10:30 – cruise director Russ made the announcement that five passengers tested positive and he requested that we all return to our rooms. Shortly thereafter another announcement came over the intercom informing us that all passengers would be retested beginning at 7:30 this morning. We were also asked to place our breakfast orders for in-cabin service. So we wait. Fortunately we are midship, port side with a lovely view of the harbor.

This photo was taken at 4:55 pm yesterday
Taken at 7:13 pm just before heading to the Cove
Snapped at 7:09 this morning

I am so sad for the folks who asymptomatically tested positive for this virus. And I’m chastened – confronted once again with the reality that as much as I crave “normal” – there is no going back. There is no normal.
The medical folks just came by and performed covid tests – results are expected in a few hours. So we wait. Apparently the taxi drivers have been informed that passengers won’t be leaving the ship this morning…they’ve all left, save for a lone sentinel. I’ll come back to this page with additional updates as they arise.

11:41 a.m. update.

Watching our fellow passengers being escorted from the ship is beyond unsettling. Our stateroom – midship on deck ten- overlooks the ramp used for disembarking these unlucky folks. Bermuda covid protocol requires folks who test positive to be quarantined in a hotel on the island. I’m not clear on how long these fully vaccinated, asymptomatic folks will be staying in a government provided hotel. Folks are speculating on social media…but at this point that’s all it is…speculation. I’ll leave the hand wringing, finger pointing and recriminations to others.
Throughout this pandemic I’ve vacillated between optimism and dread. Clearly I was in optimism mode when we booked this cruise – now I’m feeling decidedly uneasy. Uneasy because we are in limbo awaiting this morning’s test results and uncertain as to how the rest of the cruise will proceed. For now I’m going to distract myself with Stephen King and perhaps the new needlepoint project that I began yesterday under the tutelage of my sweet friend Arlene.

Afternoon update:

Around two o’clock the Captain announced that we were cleared by the Bermuda authorities to leave the ship. I put on my sneakers and walked around the harbor, venturing a little bit into the shopping area. It was unnervingly quiet…I did not see any local residents and only a few of my fellow passengers. Not sure if folks are too spooked still to venture off the ship. I’m going to keep my spa appointment at four thirty and we will meet up with Arlene and Gil for dinner, but I’m not inclined to socialize with fellow passengers tonight. Still feeling sad for the folks who had to leave the ship.