So we’ve only been gone from Long Island a week and I’m missing the Lovebugs. A lot. During the two weeks that we spent in NY after our cruise, we tried to cram in as much Lovebug time as possible. This included attending several sporting events. We watched eight year old Isabel preside over the defense on her soccer team, eleven year old Claire rule the roost at her lacrosse tournament and fifteen year old Charlotte Mary excel on her varsity soccer team. Every moment on the sidelines was a joy. Observing them play with such confidence and enthusiasm and at such a high skill level is beyond wonderful. Each bug is an accomplished athlete and so individualistic in her approach to the game. Isabel has the ability to “see” the entire field and place the ball exactly where she wants it to be, she directs the defense with aplomb and is dauntless – I mean dauntless – really remarkable for an eight year old. Her physical skills are several notches above most of the boys on her team.
Claire is playing both soccer and lacrosse this fall. We were unable to attend a soccer game but delighted in attending a lacrosse tournament on Columbus Day. If you’ve never attended a youth athletic tournament, let me tell you…it’s something. Some day I may take the time to describe the phenomenon…suffice it to say…it’s something. Claire’s competitiveness, tenacity, fearlessness – some might say recklessness – and athletic ability combine to make her a force to reckon with. We lost count of the number of goals she scored over three games. When I asked her how many goals she scored she replied “I don’t know – a lot!”
Charlotte plays center- mid on her high school soccer team and I cannot tell you the unmitigated joy that she inspires in us. Charlotte possesses exceptional skills, is especially “game smart” and lionhearted- this heart is what truly sets her apart from her peers and contributes to her standing on the team. She is tireless on the field, handles the ball deftly and plays unselfishly. Yes, that’s me you hear yelling “Charlotte take the shot!” …as she passes off for the assist. Watching Charlotte on the field makes me nostalgic for the days that she and Grace had sleepovers and fashion shows…like the ones we cherish now with Claire and Isabel. You just never know when the last sleepover will be…I guess I thought they’d go on forever. One day Grampy is making Charlotte pasta for breakfast and the next we literally have to schedule an appointment to see her. Teenagers! ❤️

I’m usually too engrossed in the game to remember to take photos.

Isabel has the most amazing coach…so knowledgeable, dedicated and patient. And so handsome…oh did I fail to mention the coach is also Isabel’s dad, my son James? Totally gratifying to watch your child parent his child.

That’s Isabel – second from left ready to run with the throw in.
Claire between games at her Lacrosse tournament
Sad to say…this is the only decent photo of Claire on the field…I’m a pitiful excuse for a grandma
Isabel on the sidelines of Claire’s game
Charlotte is number 3
Teams lined up for the National Anthem on Homecoming Day…I know, I should have practiced my editing skills and lightened this photo. Whatever.
The little bugs were thrilled to be “ball girls” at Homecoming…Claire far left in photo…Isabel second from right
The highlight of Homecoming? Gracie home from college giving Grampy some love💗

So here I am on our patio in paradise, aka Sarasota FL, reveling in this beautiful sunshine and reflecting on how lucky we are to have these Lovebugs in our lives. And realizing too, just how quickly time passes…wasn’t it just yesterday when it was James and Johnny on the field? When Gracie called from upstairs “Grampy, we need cookies?” When I walked Charlotte to sleep back and forth in the upstairs hallway? Well before this turns maudlin…I’m going to head inside and see what college football game Timmy’s watching, then I’m going to take a walk around our community- hoping for a repeat of last night’s sunset over Lake Tippecanoe. Thanks for following along – now that we are back home in Sarasota I’ll try to post something here every week or so. ❤️