March 23, 2020.

The Coronavirus continues to spread here in Florida and Governor  Desantis refuses to be the leader that this state desperately needs. He is still holding off on a stay home order. Massachusetts, Ohio, Louisiana, and Delaware are the latest states to announce a stay home order, joining Jersey, California, New York, Illinois and Connecticut. As of this morning 14 folks have died in Florida.

Businesses, performing arts centers and other large venues are left on their own to decide whether to close. The Sarasota County Fair was cancelled this year in order not to spread the virus. The fair runs each spring at the Robarts Fair Grounds on Fruitville Road. We first attended two years ago when visiting  my sister Sue Anne and her husband, Stevie Wonderful. We were staying at their home because when we returned from Australia in mid March, it was grey and cold in NY, with predictions for another snowfall. Here we are on a ferry in Sydney Harbor.We re-engaged the cat sitter and headed down here for 10 days. One of the highlights of that visit was the county fair. It was chilly that evening, but we had so much fun on the Ferris wheel.

Funnel cakes are a must.
If I remember correctly, I won this round of the water jet, pistol game.

Last spring we returned to the site of so much fun.

Everything tastes better when it’s deep fried.

Don’t ask me why, but I loved the cows.

Yep, country music was blasting through out the fair grounds and flags were flying high.

Suzie and me waiting for the Ferris wheel ride.

View from top of the wheel.

Stevie Wonderful and Timmy.

This year I ate my funnel cake without the chocolate syrup.

The high point of the evening for me was our visit to the Chicken tent.

Here’s another beauty.

As we were admiring the chickens, this beyond adorable young man approached us with his prize winner. I wish I could remember the chickens name, I thought it was Bob. (I was wrong). I will never forget the youngsters name: Michael.

Michael asked if I wanted to pet his feathered friend. Are you kidding me? Of course I did.

Next he asked if I wanted to hold him. You betcha. I loved holding the chicken close and petting the super soft feathers…right up until Michael said that sometimes the chickens get mites. Mites? Mites? I thrust that bad boy back into Mike’s arms in 1 second flat.

Michael after I flung the chicken back  at him. As he calmed the flustered fowl, he explained that his mom would never let him have a chicken with mites. Whatever.


There were hundreds of chickens and their 4-H Club owners in the tent. As we strolled around, admiring all the different varieties of chickens, I noted that quite a few were named Bob. I thought to myself, “What’s with all these kids naming their chickens Bob?”
Then I saw this beautiful specimen…and all became clear.

BoB= Best of Breed. BoV = Best of Variety. All righty then. 😊

Oh, and Suzie has the pic of me in her contacts list, so whenever we talk, she’s looking at me and Michael’s chicken.
Be well. Stay home. Be kind.