Our current Christmas Eve tradition dates to when Grace and Charlotte were toddlers. Both John and Gillian worked on Christmas Eve…until early afternoon, so the girls would arrive at our home very early in the morning. In an effort to occupy them until the family arrived – usually around 1:00 pm – they assisted me in preparing for the holiday festivities. We’d begin with dusting the entire house – every room – every single room, polishing the silver and then move on to food prep…chopping vegetables and fruit for the salads. Each child had her own cutting board, knife and bowl. Then we’d make cookies – meaning we’d roll up the “butter balls” that I’d prepared the night before, bake them and roll them in powdered sugar. One year I had a box of pumpkin bread mix left over from Thanksgiving so Gracie mixed that up and popped it into the oven when the cookies were done. Thus began the tradition of “Grace’s Famous Pumpkin Bread”.

After our time in the kitchen – max an hour – tiny children…short attention spans, we’d let them “open” their stockings. We’d usually include markers, puzzles and Legos – which if we were lucky would stave off the “when is everyone coming” questions for another 45 minutes or so. Nail polish worked well too. Finally, one year we stumbled on remote control cars. Oh my goodness…such a lifesaver. Especially the ones that climbed walls! This morning tradition continued even when John and Gillian no longer worked on Christmas Eve. Tim would fetch the girls between 10:00 and 10:30 a.m. – we eliminated the dusting and focused our efforts on salads, cookies and pumpkin bread. Claire and Isabel joined their cousins when each turned three years old, necessitating a new apportionment of responsibilities. Gracie blossomed in her role as “Grandma’s chief kitchen assistant”, instructing the Littles in the art of rolling cookies and chopping vegetables.

These few hours before the rest of the family arrives are my favorite hours of the year. We have these wonderful creatures all to ourselves, everyone engulfed in Christmas spirit, anticipating all the fun (and presents) yet to come. My happiness quotient is at an apex. It’s such a joy watching these cousins interact. At eight and eleven years old, Isabel and Claire pretty much idolize Grace and Charlotte – who share a genuine affection for the Littles. With each passing year, as they evolve and their unique personalities reveal themselves, I revel in their presence, delight in their company and I’m grateful every day for these precious moments.

Please indulge me as I share these photos. Once again I snapped dozens (upon dozens) and I really have tried my best to only include my absolute favorites.

So this is the first year that we went with an artificial tree. Those huge 10foot+ tall trees just became too much for us…took forever to decorate and dismantle. I decided that if it’s going to be fake…might as well go all the way. When we were growing up in the fifties and sixties, I envied the families that had aluminum trees – some were silver, some white – some even were pink. Anyway, I love this one. I also love the new window treatments…what do you think?

Because we lost our mantle when we redecorated, the stockings have a new home. I’m including some pics of my food prep, because I love cooking for my family and I love taking photos of me cooking and I really only share my cooking pics with one friend. (Looking at you Steven).

I make a traditional Italian meat sauce with pork once a year. Pro tip: it’s all about the San Marzano tomatoes.

Minestrone soup because Johnny loves it. Well, I was too tired to make dinner, so we ate the soup and I saved a bowl for John.

I mix up the cookie batter the night before…dates back to my desire to prevent the Bugs from fighting over who had the honor. Grandma mixes and everyone rolls the butter balls…crisis averted. The recipe is similar to my moms’ “Butter Ball” recipe. As children, we only ever made one type of Christmas cookie…a tradition I’ve continued. Keeps life simple.

Here’s Fluffy waiting for us to go up to bed so that he can nestle under the tree. Better under it than in it. I’m really loving the new window treatments.

We woke up to a dusting of snow. This white Christmas gift rarely happens on Long Island.

I went out to snap a few pics of the snow and found a package on the porch. It was this lovely plate from Crystal Cruises…commemorating Endeavors’ inaugural voyage. That was such a special trip and receiving this plate on Christmas Eve brought back wonderful memories.

We were unable to coordinate a time for the Bugs and T and Parker to decorate the Gingerbread Houses so we decided to do them on Christmas Eve. Best idea ever.

We purchased the houses from Gingerbread University and supplemented the included candy with extra candy. Way too much candy. I originally set up for just the Bugs because I had zero expectations that my sister and her boys would make their early morning flight.

Timmy fetched them around 11:30 a.m. and they arrived hungry. So first pasta and meatballs. ♥️

The traditional photos before we do anything. That’s James and John in the pic on the table.

The tree topper that I ordered from Wayfair was delivered to Sarasota so I improvised.

This is my favorite selfie. Ever. Charlotte is a pro. …as evidenced by her thousands of Instagram followers.

All my favorites in one room ♥️

Charlotte checking on the whereabouts of T and Parker.

Isabel discovering the hair clips that she wanted. That face.

We searched high and low for these paddle balls and slinkys…finally found the paddle balls at the third Dollar Store…never found the slinkys.

James admiring Isabel’s handiwork.

Everyone’s done, save for Grace …our resident artist… she’s working on awnings.

It took about five minutes to clear the table for this photo.

The packaging on these remote control cars is beyond ridiculous. Fort Knox should be so secure.

Claire hanging the ornament that she made for us.

Johnny responding to compliments on his Christmas trousers.

Following are photos snapped as the day unfolded.

That one moment when you lock eyes with the sweetest most wonderful man in the Universe.

The blue dish in the foreground is one of my most precious possessions. It is the only item from my mom’s estate that I claimed. For many, many years, it sat on an end table in my parents home…filled with dinner mints. When we would visit for Sunday dinners, James and John would make a bee line for it as soon as we were through the front door. Since her passing in 1982, I’ve filled it with dinner mints and displayed it during the Christmas holidays.

Our traditional Christmas Ham. It was yummy.

This game is like a Reader’s Digest version of scrabble. It’s called Banannas.

Mommy and Isabel selfie

Most holidays the kids play a few rounds of hide and seek…during this game, James declared he was playing too. Upon his declaration, he promptly sat down next to Kristin. Here they are chuckling, because Charlotte walked right by him as she went to look behind the tree.

Parker thought he had the perfick hiding place behind the front door…Charlotte found him…but not her Uncle James who was sitting right behind her 😂

Another tradition- popping the crackers…

Some of the crackers had crowns, some trinkets and some had jokes.

Here’s Gracie relaying the joke from her cracker.

The day was so jam packed with activities that we only had time for one dice game.

It was a super fun game. I had a feeling that the climax would be exciting so I began filming. Every time I watch this clip I laugh.

Parker counting his winnings.

Shortly after Parker declined to share his winnings with Charlotte (cousin love does have it’s limits), the family packed up their gifts and headed home to set out cookies for Santa. Freddie came out to revel in the quiet and supervise clean up. Timmy and I are well practiced in the art of clean up and soon we were enjoying a glass of bubbly.

Christmas Eve 2021 is in the books. Thanks for following along. We wish you happiness and joy in 2022.